Wednesday, March 31, 2010

#7. This Thing Called "Healthcare".

So let's find out if Healthcare = 1/Crisis.

Again, we do not force any solution, but further breakdown our terms into their lowest common denominators so that we can arrive at an accurate, reproducible, scientific solution.

To do this we first investigate the term Healthcare to determine exactly what Healthcare is, in objective terms—that all (or most) can agree on.

Almost all can agree that healthcare is given by a person and received by a person (although those two classes are not limited by "people", since some may see that veterinarians also provide healthcare; nevertheless, let's continue).

Therefore, two classes of individuals exist within the definition of Healthcare: Those Healthcare Professionals who give Healthcare, and those Patients who receive it. Those who give healthcare comprise, doctors, nurses, dentists, respiratory therapists, Certified Nurse Assistants, and others. Those who receive healthcare comprise patients, unless otherwise added to the class.

Moreover, a transaction takes place between these two individual classes; we can call this transaction Work.


(Healthcare Professionals) • (Work) • (Patients) = 1/Crisis

This exploded view of the problem set starts to look more like variables that a computer might be able to compile.

(I will not investigate the term Crisis so that it fits into the equation—that mission can be your job, should you decide to accept it.)

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