Wednesday, March 31, 2010

#4. Problem Identification. Not Solution Identification.

Albert Einstein is attributed with stating that A perfection of means, and confusion of aims, seems to be our main problem. If you agree, then you will also agree that we must accurately describe our problem in the most accurate of terms, instead of forcing a solution without an evidence-base, thereby running a risk that we force a solution that may not be agreeable to everyone.

Moreover, since we are dealing with a computer that compiles input into output, we must be unbiased and accurate about our input terms if we are to reap the benefits of an accurate, unbiased output of user-data upon which to base user-centered healthcare informatics design critia.

So, we are faced with the problem of accurately describing the problem: This is where most people drop out.

Therefore, our scientific research will begin with identifying the problem of healthcare crisis, rather than focusing on the solution of healthcare reform.

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