Wednesday, March 31, 2010

#5. Organization, or Confusion, Starts At The Top.

Much recent press has been given to the subjective terms healthcare debate, healthcare crisis, and healthcare reform; nevertheless, we need data that can be input to a computer, not a ballot box.

Although we have not yet established what we will be studying, we do know that organization of research follows a format. That format first finds a Goal, then finds Objectives, Tasks within those objectives, and a Task Flow—a series in which the tasks follow to meet their objectives. (We can develop this organization further as we progress through this logic.) Therefore, we know that whatever we do, our research will follow a format that fits into the guidelines that follow the overall Goal.

Furthermore, we earlier claimed that we are concerned with the problem (not the solution) of the Healthcare Crisis—and determined that the term was subjective, means different things to different people, and some even claim that no crisis exists at all.

Therefore, we have found an opinion.

Opinions spur research into the facts.

So, let's get started defining Healthcare Crisis in objective terms that a computer can compile; we can employ the following method, although other ways to achieve this Goal may coexist. (Please bear with me on this one—this may not seem relevant at the moment, so you will have to trust me for now.)

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