Wednesday, April 7, 2010

#12. Data Mining In Reverse

Data mining is the process of extracting patterns from data accumulated; however, I must point out that we are set to reverse that trend. This study is being setup to develop a computerized information management system that studies the functions of end-users so that end-users do not need to study the function of the computerized information management system. Therefore, the computer system will be actually mining data that has not yet been accumulated, and the information resources mined are those of the end-users.

Once this information has been accumulated, it can then be further processed.

Therefore, if the entire effect of this study is to provide criteria to develop user-centered software for healthcare informatics, then that must remain our sole focus. Absolutely nothing must impede the effort of providing a friendly end-user experience, lest it undermine our primary goal of attracting willing users to help us to determine if Healthcare = 1/Crisis.

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